We are not Unix admin but we have to know some basic commands as a dba. In this post i try to share some of most usefully command for Unix based system.
Here is the some usage and examples
The following is a list of commonly used Unix commands:
- ps – Show process
- grep – Search files for text patterns
- mailx – Read or send mail
- cat – Join files or display them
- cut – Select columns for display
- awk – Pattern-matching language
- df – Show free disk space
- ls – List of files
- wc – Count of files
- mv – Move command (ctrl+x command on windows)
- cp – Copy command
Here are some examples of how the DBA uses these commands:
List available instances on a server:
ps -ef | grep smon or $ ps -ef | grep pmon
List available listeners on a server:
ps -ef | grep listener or ps -ef | grep listener | grep -v grep
List number of lines in the alert.log file:
cat alert.log | wc -l
List number of files in folder:
ls -l |wc -l
List files under folder: